who we are

we are a hybrid organisation operating at the intersection of pet photography and animal welfare

what we do

we offer various pet photography services, where pet parents and animal lovers can get portraits of their beloved furry friends captured by experienced professionals, who also love animals!

half of our revenue is channelled towards reputable animal welfare organisations and verified individuals working with the stray animal population.

how to get started


we come to your house and shoot portraits of your fur (or feather!) babies, exactly as they are. minimal to no prep required, a great option for individuals and families who want candid photographs of their pets.

au naturel

we bring a mini studio setup to your home to create unique solo portraits of your babies. these work best if you want to highlight your pet's beautiful features - not just their gorgeous faces, but their personality too.

classic studio

spend a day with your pets at a full-fledged photography studio! choose from multiple background options and a range of props. using creative lighting techniques, we craft stylised images of your pets, worthy of being on a magazine cover.

premium studio

our recent work